Wednesday, 27 November 2019

New Year 2020: A year of achievements or failures

New Year 2020: A year of achievements or failures

People are always curious to know what the new year has in store for them. Whether people believe in Astrology or not, they always like to read their New Year’s Astrology forecast.

This year’s prediction is based on planet Jupiter which will remain under the sign of Sagittarius until March 20th, 2020. Thereon will enter the sign of Capricorn. Jupiter will go retrograde May 14th, 2020 and will aspect the sign of Sagittarius until Sept 13th, 2020.  

Interestingly a planet of karmic connections, Saturn, will change signs on January 24th, 2020 and will stay in the sign of Capricorn for the next 2.5 years. This will be the start of Sade-Sati (7.5 years) for the Aquarius native. It is going to be a relief for Scorpion natives after a long wait as their Sade-Sati ends.  

Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius  Moon signs will be under Sade-Sati (7.5 years phase of Saturn), Whilst Gemini and Libra moon signs will be under dhaiya (2.5) years phase. The Capricorn native will enter their second phase as well as the Sagittarius native, and will be in the final phase of Sade-Sati. The next change in the Saturn movement will take place in the year April 29th, 2022.

The year 2020, can impact the world in a bigger way where the crisis in the middle east can emerge and things can get worse. A rise in tensions can be possible. Also, 2020 could be a memorable year for a major earthquake. It can also impact global growth and chances of going into recession will be at peak for 2020. The aforementioned transits will affect each moon sign differently: -  

Aries Sign: The lord of this house which is Mars, will have a negative impact in the coming year with respect to health but it will positively impact your finances though the certain loss of money is also indicated especially during the time frame of Jupiter retrograde. You can have good luck in terms of love and relationship.  

Taurus Sign: Here comes the good news for you, if you are looking for a partner to marry and want to be in a relationship. Then the coming year signals love and desires getting fulfilled but you need to be careful about your health. You will have luck favoring you during the year for the finances.  

Gemini Sign: As this year is ruled by Rahu (as per numerology) and as the north node is already in the Gemini sign, it will give you windfall gains when it comes to money and finances but it will worsen your relationship and can damage your reputation. This phase also has a negative impact on your health during the retrograde of Saturn as you will be under 2.5 years phase of Saturn which starts in Jan 2020.  

Cancer Sign: The positive transit of Jupiter increases your luck from the financial part but your health will be impacted due to the movements of Mars and Rahu in the coming year. This coming year will be an average -to a better one for you as compared to the year 2019 as your Jupiter is now stronger. Also, the phase of Saturn will help you to succeed from your opponents.  

Leo Sign: As a planet, Saturn will transit in its own sign where it will gain momentum and have a negative impact on your health and relationship. Also, this year can be dull as far as money matters are concerned.  

Virgo Sign: You can face issues with respect to your health in the coming year but overall your year is better compared to the year 2019. This coming year can let you gain name and fame, as well as inflow of money, can increase. You can also win legal cases as well as can make more proprieties during this phase. You need to be careful during Jupiter retrograde.  

Libra Sign: It is a time where opportunities will knock your door where you can meet your life partners or can get more luck due to the opposite gender. The change in Saturn will be considered to be a positive change for you and this will increase your luck. You can gain money while health can also become better.  

Scorpio Sign: The beneficial of all signs will the Scorpion native as you were under Sade-Sati which will end on 24th Jan 2020. So it will bring an air of relief in all aspects. If you were stuck in any part of your life then things are set to improve but if you were already having a good time then an excellent time can bring excitement in your life.  

Sagittarius Sign: You need to very careful regarding your health during the last phase of Sade-Sati as this time can impact your bones and accidents can happen. Also, you need to be careful regarding the loss of money and relationships can get worse. 

Capricorn sign: The transit of Saturn will be good for you but the retrograde phase will be average. You can have a mix year and things, in the beginning, can kickstart but during the retrograde phase, they can be slow. Also, this phase can impact your stomach and disease related to the stomach are possible.  

Aquarius Sign: This year starts your Sade-Sati, so it is a time to count your past life karma and analyze your mistakes if any or good deeds. You will get, what you sow in the past. But this phase in the beginning generally looks a better one as Saturn will not damage unnecessarily until you did something wrong. If you are facing hardships from the legal system then there can be bad news for you. Also, you can have an average time for health as well.  

Pisces sign: The time is right for you as things will move well for you in the year 2020. The major setbacks can happen at the times when you will go in a careless mode and it can happen during Jupiter retrograde. Your health can be impacted at the end of the year but overall things are fine and no big warnings. Also, you can gain momentum in business or job and can make use of good opportunities.  

It is an effort to indicate the dos and don’ts in a very general aspect. If you are looking for reading then you can contact me for the complete horoscope.  In addition to all, I would like to say to use your instinct, work hard, be positive and realize your strength, follow the path of Astrology and believe in God.

Best Regards,

Manchanda Karan

Your Astro Service

"A place where your all problems end, as I can give insight that leads to solutions."

To book a consultation:


Mobile: +91-8595171695

Your Astro Service 

Friday, 15 November 2019

Astrology: an out of the box scenario? How?

Hello everyone,

This is your friend Manchanda Karan and I'm an astrologer. Whenever we speak about astrology we only think a scenario from Aries to Pisces. There is a total of twelve zodiac signs and the world is too big where everyone cannot be covered in just twelve signs. This is why I define astrology as below:-






L - LIFE is


G - GOD and it's for


So it an out of the box scenario. There are certain aspects in astrology which an astrologer explores and expands to explain the situation in one's life. An astrologer can see your future by checking your past and correlating the same with your present. No astrologer is indeed God. Only God knows the exact situation as destiny is written by God only. As astrologer just works on three steps and they are your past, your present, and your future. I will suggest you adopt astrology today to make a difference in your life. Do it for yourself,  for your kids,  for your family. The way we eat daily on time similarly if we make astrology a routine feature of our life then we can see changes. You can see a mug which is in front of me. After seeing it we can say it is alcohol. But the reality is different. It is an out of box scenario. Similarly, we assume astrology with a thought process that nothing will ever happen. It is like a Google map. It will give you a path and you need to walk.if you feel any logic then you can try astrology. Give it a chance and adopt it.  I promise you won't regret it.  An astrologer can go wrong but astrology can't.  Give it a try. Your friend,  astrologer,  guide,  or you can call me with any name. For readings email me at

Best Regards
Manchanda Karan 

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Mercury retrograde on Halloween

Do handle with care as Mercury retrogrades on Halloween

Hello everyone, 

We often get scared from the word retrograde which in simple terms means that the planet moves one backward. As per science, retrograde motion is an apparent change in the movement of the planet through the sky. It means all the planets appear to rise in the east and set in the west. When a planet travels eastward in relation to the stars, it is called progressive or direct. When the planet travels westward in relation to the stars (which is known as a backward or opposite path in Vedic astrology) it is called retrograde. 

Planet Mercury stations retrograde at 27 degrees in Scorpio sign on 31st Oct 2019 at 5 pm, where it will conjunct with the planet Venus. Mercury stations direct at 11 degrees in Scorpio sign on 20th Nov 2019. 

Finally, mercury leaves the shadow in the Scorpio sign, on the 07th Dec at 27 degrees and will enter Sagittarius sign. This can impact your two holidays and it can be Halloween and Thanksgiving Day.

As Mercury rules communication, technology, and satellite, etc, have characteristics of the Moon as well as the planet Jupiter will get conjunct in Scorpio sign with the planet of love and desires Venus. Yes, you are thinking right, it can impact your love life. It will impact communication for sure and issues with technology can arise. As it is getting retrograde in water sign which will impact emotions as well (it can be positive or negative). 

Presently, you can see the amount of fire in California and Australia, the only reason for the same is the shadow of planet Mercury on the Sun which is transiting in Libra sign. This happens only 13 times about every 100 years when the planet Mercury passes in between the Earth and the Sun.  

A quick overview of all 12 signs with a word of caution on these below peculiar arenas:-

    Ø Aries: - This retrograde can impact your power of wisdom and you could make the wrong decisions in a hurry.

Ø Taurus: - You can be defamed because of your partner and can have issues with your secret body part.

Ø Gemini: - Issues related to miscommunication and huddles in life.

Ø Cancer: - You can get negative emotions and can feel the betrayal of trust.

Ø Leo: You can make mistakes and can realize afterward.

Ø Virgo: - There can be issues that can arise due to a lack of knowledge and miscommunication.

Ø Libra: - Problems in the love affair can arise and separation or breakup is possible.

Ø Scorpio: - You can lose your wealth as well as you can be in negative emotions.

Ø Sagittarius: - You need to be careful in your studies, especially if you are giving a competitive exam as you can get disappointment.

Ø Capricorn:- There is a chance that you can have losses or extra expenditure.

Ø Aquarius: - You can be disrespected by your loved ones.

Ø Pisces: - You can be very emotional in this phase which can impact your day to day life.

In addition to all, I would like to say to use your instinct, work hard, be positive and realize your strength follow by the path of Astrology and believe in God.

Note: To analyze an individual’s horoscope one needs to study several concepts. Only a professional astrologer can answer. The above contents are just an effort to bring some awareness about planets and how they work.

If you would like to know how this movement plays an important role in your life, and at which stage, please book an appointment. We can schedule an appointment accordingly.

Thanks & Regards,
Manchanda Karan
Your Astro Service
"A place where your all problems end, as I can give insight that leads to solutions."

To book a consultation:
Mobile: +91-8595171695
Your Astro Service

Sunday, 20 October 2019

The sun moves to Libra

The sun moves to Libra:- You can either anticipate the change and participate strongly or be unaware of it and face the challenge.

The Sun entered its enemy sign Libra on 17th. Oct 2019, where it became debilitated. Simply said, the Sun becomes its weakest as compared to any other sign it is placed in. Also, the lord of Libra which is planet Venus becomes weak as well. It is important to mention here that it is a state of the Sun and not the placement which will vary from one horoscope to another. It doesn't mean it can only be negative as it can be positive as well because it can create a NEECH BANG RAJA YOGA which in turn is a positive sign. I personally have this position in my own horoscope. 

We usually read our horoscopes daily, weekly or at the start of every month. As we live in the perception that a month will bring a change in our in planets as well as in our lives.

To analyze the monthly horoscope, we need to understand the transits of the Sun. As whatever sign the sun is placed in, that house will be called our first house.
Such movement of the planet is known as 'Gochara'.

It is a system of planets that correlates with our Moon sign or Sun sign impact, which also correlates with current changes in the planetary position. 

For example, if your 7th house indicates a marriage proposal in the year "2022" (Based on your marriage house and transit), The results will be based on gochara of that phase which would indicate a negative position. In this instance, there won't be much strength in such a proposal. Therefore, we should analyze many things to understand the impact of the movement on a comprehensive concept.

When the Sun transits in the sign of Libra, it is considered to be the first house and Virgo will be in the twelfth house. The next change takes place on the 16th of November 2019 when the Sun transits in Scorpio sign. The following are the effects this transit will have on each moon sign and ascendant. Please be sure to know your moon and ascendant signs, then find the correlating predictions below:
Pic credit India TV Lifestyle Desk

1.     Libra sign:- As the sun enters the Libra sign, therefore, it is the first house that will impact your body and health.  The debilitated sun is not good here as it destroys the will power and the energy which in turn will give weakness in almost all sectors. You should be careful if heading for surgeries or operation this month also hormone issues can happen as well for ladies. 

Scorpio sign:- As the movement of this change impacts your second house which mostly checks emotions and wealth, therefore,  you can feel depressed as well as monetary losses are also visible.  

3.     Sagittarius sign:-This movement of the sun impacts your third sign and it brings an act of positive courage which can be an ideal situation where you should  solve prolong issues and illnesses. This phase can be used as a part of meditation to end long term disputes.

4.      Capricorn sign:- This movement of the sun impacts your fourth sign and here the debilitation creates "Neech bang" yoga which is very positive for you.  This could be a phase where you can get favorable gains in real estate, stock markets, court cases, etc. This phase can create differences with your father.  Although this house rules the mother aspect, the sun can impact your father. 

Aquarius sign:- The movement of the Sun impacts your fifth house which brings good luck as open aspects for you to travel.  Though it is not related to travel if you were waiting to visit foreign countries then use this time frame so that you can convert your opportunities.

6.      Pisces sign:- The movement of the Sun impacts your sixth house which inturn bring positive results to identify your hidden enemies or illness which  you were not aware of. This phase can be used carefully as you can get injuries or accidents also maybe some medicine reactions can't be ruled out as well.

7.       Aries sign:- This change impacts your seventh house which may impact your social circle, foreign relationship, marriage or love relationship, etc.  Though this change shows that you can get anger which may make things worse for you but if you hold a "Neech bang raja" yoga, then it will be positive.  This depends on your horoscope. Otherwise, this phase will go against you and you can be in much trouble. Also, you may have blood-related issues or issues with your spine and secret parts of your body, so you must take prior precautions.

8.       Taurus sign:- This change impacts your eighth house. Venus loses it is energy due to the Sun's placement. Though this change can be negative, and if you were previously facing delays, then you should be ready to face hurdles and delays. 

9.        Gemini sign:- This change impacts your ninth house and due to the weakness of the Sun here it dominates your communication in little negative way but you can also get the benefit of the doubt. It is advised to do business communication or meetings after this phase or plan in a way you don't get into trouble.

10.    Cancer sign:- This change impacts your tenth house and due to the weakness of the Sun, the ruling sign of this zodiac sign which is the Moon. This will give support here and you will come back as a fighter in your journey. It is a time where you can change the odds.  

11.    Leo sign:- This change impacts your eleventh house and as the lord of this sign which is the Sun itself is in trouble than both for the sun sign as well as from the moon sign, you will get into trouble.  The ruler of the sign is in its weakest mode and loss of money and luck is visible also it will impact your health. 

12.    Virgo sign:- This change impacts your twelfth house and here you must take precautions related to eye problems as well as diabetes.  You could lose money and expenses can overflow which will bring undesirable tensions. 

Note: To analyze an individual’s horoscope one needs to study several concepts. Only a professional astrologer can answer. The above contents are just an effort to bring some awareness about planets and how they work.

If you would like to know how this movement plays an important role in your life, and at which stage, please book an appointment. We can schedule an appointment accordingly.

Update: - Mercury will go into retrogression mode from 31st Oct to 21 Nov 2019 where it will eye Libra sign thought it will be in Scorpio sign. I will be giving more information about the same and please share my contents so that more can read and understand how life can shape for them. 

Thanks & Regards,
Manchanda Karan
Your Astro Service
"A place where your all problems end, as I can give insight that leads to solutions."

To book a consultation:
Mobile: +91-8595171695
Your Astro Service

Sunday, 22 September 2019

The Sun in 'Virgo', will it brighten up or burn your life?

The Sun in 'Virgo', will it brighten up or burn your life?

We usually read our horoscopes daily, weekly or at the start of every month. As we live in the perception that a month will bring a change in our in planets as well as in our lives.

To analyse the monthly horoscope, we need to understand the transits of the Sun. As whatever sign the sun is placed will be called our first house.

Such movement of the planet is known as 'Gochara'.
It is a system of planets which correlates with our Moon sign or Sun sign impact, which also correlates with current changes in the planetary position.

For example, if your 7th house indicates a marriage proposal in the year "2022" (Based on your marriage house and transit), The results will be based on gochara of that phase which would indicate a negative position. In this instance there won't be much strength in such proposal. Therefore, we should analyse many things to understand the impact of the movement in a comprehensive concept.

When the Sun transits in the sign of Virgo, it is  considered to be the first house and Leo will be in the twelfth house. The next change will take place on the 17th. Oct 2019 when the Sun transits in Libra sign. This is just an example.

Picture from internet

The following predictions are based for all signs: -

1. Virgo Moon sign:- As this is considered to be the first house due to the placement of the Sun in this sign. As per the presence of the Sun, planet Mercury which is a lord of this house loses its energy. For particularly one month, natives who have Virgo moon sign may face issues in their communication which can impact their day to day life. Also, those who are in politics, mass media or journalism, movies can face some scandals. 

2. Libra Moon sign:- As this house commands one’s inner personality, wealth, thoughts, etc., and due to an eye on this house one may have impacts in their relationship. It depends on the placement of planet Venus in your horoscope to analyse good or bad impacts of these planetary movements.

3. Scorpio Moon sign: - This movement of the sun will impact the third house for Scorpion moon. It is a good combination for this period as Scorpion moon can obtain power to overcome illness or illusions which they may be experiencing. Also, this placement will give them  encouragement in many areas. This will be for areas of your life where you endure weakness. It is the correct time to control your mistakes and overcome your weakness.

4. Sagittarius Moon sign: - This change will positively impact the Sagittarius native as it will be in the fourth house. The ruling planet of Sagittarius sign is planet Jupiter which recently went into the direct mode and this combination will be positive for you. You can expect some Kickstarter in this phase if the right efforts are made.

5. Capricorn Moon sign: - This change will be in the fifth house. You need to check your grades if you are in school or college. This phase can negatively impact your educational career. Also, this phase can create differences between you and your elders. You need to control your words and emotions.

6. Aquarius Moon sign:-This change will be on the sixth house. When it comes to long term diseases or illnesses or if we need to see where our enemies stand in our life, then one needs to check this house. Particularly the Sun and the lord of Aquarius sign which is planet Saturn does not exist in a good relationship. If you are an Aquarius moon, then you need to check your health and be aware of unwanted enemies. Also, to be careful while driving and take precautions in all pursuits. If you are facing any kind of court cases or having personal issues with government departments then it is better to delay proceeding for a coming month if possible.

7. Pisces Moon sign: - The transit of the sun will impact your seventh house which rules in all kinds of social bindings. Whenever I say social binding then I am referring to marriage, business activities, foreign relationships, etc. So the good news would is the issues which you were facing in previous months can be resolved, and you may meet some new connections which can be helpful and everlasting.

8. Aries Moon sign: - The transit of the sun, will impact your eighth house which is related to longevity. The best part of this change would offer you positive strength to fight back from the worst situation you’ve been facing and resolve long term issues. Also, if you are heading for surgeries or operation then this can be the best time to do so to get a speedy recovery.

9. Taurus Moon sign: - This change impacts your ninth house which can change your thought from atheists to a theist. You can become spiritual and can even show interest in spiritual activities. It indicates that you have been in the middle of many thoughts which causes issues in your personal life. So this is a correct time to get encouragement to get your answers.

10. Gemini moon sign: - This change impacts your tenth house which potentially offers you a career change, promotion, bonus, new clients or answers to your questions. The problems which you were facing since April 2019, will end now and you will receive positive results.

11. Cancer Moon sign:- This change impacts your eleventh house which increases your way to survive. The lord of this house is Moon which loses its energy due to the presence of the Sun. Therefore, whatever negativity you were facing because of the impacted moon can end in this particular phase. The phase will impact you in all aspect which will give you 'will power” which has been missing. Also, you can get chances to increase your earnings.

12. Leo Moon sign:- The Lord of the Leo sign, eyes its own house from the twelfth house which means you may get a chance to control your losses and can increase your savings. If you are in stock markets or any kind of speculative business, then you can get gains in this phase. Also, a tendency to curb your expenditures will positively change your lifestyle. So this is your time to change your life 360 degrees.

Note: To analyze an individual’s horoscope one needs to study several concepts. Only a professional astrologer can answer. The above contents are just an effort to bring some awareness about planets and how they work.

If you would like to know how this movement plays an important role in your life, and at which stage, please book an appointment. We can schedule an appointment accordingly.

Manchanda Karan
Your Astro Service

"A place where your all problems end, as I can give insight that leads to solutions."

To book a consultation:




Mobile: +91-8595171695

Your Astro Service

Saturday, 7 September 2019

Are You Lucky?

Are You Lucky?
Image source: Internet 

We are living in a world of competition. It feels like we will lose unlimited opportunities if we don't compete. We are competitive in careers, status, and assets. Living this way creates a difference between everyone.
Our peers, friends, neighbors and (Even our loved ones), are unable to spend quality time together. They are inundated with competition at work & school. Who has the nicest clothes? Who has the nicest home or car?
Even children experience competition with their peers, classmates, and friends. Be it admission into schools, clothing or having the latest and best technological gadgets. Luck is the initial stage, and important for all walks of lives.
How to check and identify your luck Astrologically:
1. First, we need to check the strength of the 9th house in a horoscope.
2. We need to consider the ninth the house as, the first house, then calculate our luck aspect of this house.
3. If we have favorable planetary combinations in any house or signs then we need to analyze their strengths. We should correlate them, with the transits we are presently in, to predict the future.
4. It's important to check negative placement planets and their states to understand their effects. Especially, if we are in a bad phase. This way, we can enhance our good planets and reduce negativity.
5. Our luck and good planets are destroyed when we feel and react with jealous behavior.
6. It is important to analyze the planets; Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, and Rahu, to receive windfalls of gains and the sudden rise of luck. This can only happen if we are in that particular phase.
I would like to Propose a recent example: Ranu Mondal...
Ranu Mondal became a star overnight, and her fortune changed immediately
Wikipedia Link For Ranu Mondal:
Ranu Maria Mondal (Born November 5th. 1960). Ranu Mondal is an Indian singer who currently works in Bollywood.[4] Ranu was discovered by her manager, Atindra Chakraborty at Ranaghat Junction railway station who uploaded her singing video that went viral. Subsequently, she was invited in the singing reality show: Superstar Singer where Himesh Reshammiya gave her a chance to sing for his film Happy Hardy and Heer.[5][6]
If you would like to know how luck plays an important role in your life, and at which stage, please book an appointment. We can schedule an appointment accordingly.
Manchanda Karan
Your Astro Service
"A place where your all problems end, as I can give insight that leads to solutions."
To book a consultation:

Mobile: +91-8595171695

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Dreams or Illusions? Where do you stand in reality?

Dreams or Illusions? Where do you stand in reality?

Hi everyone,

This is my first article almost after four months and I really missed writing. I hope everyone had a wonderful time in between.

As an individual, I can stop writing but planets will never stop. I know many changes already happened this year which were significant, and many new changes will happen in the future. I will try my best to cover most of them.
We, humans, have a bad tendency to criticize our own people on their mistakes but do we truly consider the underlying issue causing the problems and issues?

I must admit that every individual has a desire or dream for a better future. There is one thing that makes a difference when we daydream or conjure grandiose illusions to our thoughts. It is good to dream for a better future but how much it can correlate with reality should be analyzed well in advance.

In every horoscope, there are some good and bad planets. North Node of the Moon known as Rahu (Vedic term) is the one which causes illusions. One can experience serious desires which can't be fulfilled with certain resources or reality.

Such desires can touch their peak when Rahu is accompanied with Venus.  The planet Venus signifies beauty and luxuries. Venus brings all kind of worldly desires which are often out of one’s reach and many times it becomes difficult to turn them into a reality.

Few important points which can make such combination:

1. Firstly, much depends on Rahu’s placement in one ‘s horoscope. It gives neutral to positive results if placed in the 1st, 6th, 9th, or 11th, house. Whatever the state of Rahu is, good or bad, if placed in the houses then bad results won't happen as it loses all its negativity. If Rahu is placed in other houses other than those mentioned above, then illusions and wishful thinking can occur.

2 Rahu’s main transit lasts for 18 years and 7 months. It can bring negative impacts if Rahu has an unfriendly combination with another planet during its transit. If it is combined with another planet which is negatively impacting you, then Rahu will act as a steroid for that planet and increase its power.

3. Placement of the Moon can bring negative emotions. Combined with Rahu can increase the negative influence on it. Due to Rahu, the Moon becomes weak and can give undesirable thought processes, daydreaming or some kind of fear.

4. Negative Mercury and Jupiter in one’s horoscope and their connection with Rahu in any form can create such desires.

Conclusion: It is important to mention that Rahu doesn’t bring negative results in every horoscope. It is generally considered an evil mind but, in some cases,, it acts as a win-win situation. All politicians, celebrities, foreign traders, stock markets traders, bureaucrats, gamblers, dealers, etc. enjoy the positive effects of Rahu in their horoscope.

To dream for a better future is never considered as a sin but to dream with closed eyes won’t bring success. Many combinations can arise between Rahu as it is based on permutation and combination approach and mentioning each above are not possible as they vary with every horoscope.

An astrologer is only a human being and not a God.
We can certainly, know about the planetary movements and can get certain clues to guide us.  Thus, I try to enlighten and guide people, using astrological skills to the best of my knowledge.   If you are reading my article and are looking for such types of guidance, please book an appointment with me. Email me your queries and we will take it from there!

Thank You,
Manchanda Karan
Mob: +91 – 83750 06612
           +91 – 85951 71695