Monday, 28 December 2015

Short Vedic Astrology Analysis for Mrs. Clinton

       Hillary Clinton short Analysis through Vedic Astrology

 Date of Birth        -      26/Oct/1947, Time                     -       20:02  Place                     -       Chicago  Illinois

(Internet source) 

Avakhada Chakra

Lagan LordMercury
Sign LordJupiter
Nakshatra LordSaturn
Name AlphabetDOO

Ghat Chakra

Tithi5- 10- 15

Lucky Day, Stone

Lucky DayWednesday
Lucky No.11
Lucky ColorBlue
Lucky StoneBlue Sapphire
Metal For StoneIron
Finger For StoneMiddle Finger

Planet's Position at Birth Time
PlanetSignDegreeLordNakshatraPadLordS. LordPosition
AscGemini07 09 02MerArdra1RahRah
SunLibra09 41 35VenSwati1RahJupDeb 
MonPisces06 04 55JupU.Bhadrapada1SatMer
MarCancer21 08 59MonAshlesha2MerVenDeb 
Mer(R)Libra28 11 59VenVishakha3JupVen
JupScorpio07 30 13MarAnuradha2SatKet
VenLibra23 44 40VenVishakha2JupSat
SatCancer28 13 37MonAshlesha4MerSat
Rah(R)Taurus00 25 10VenKrittika2SunRah
Ket(R)Scorpio00 25 10MarVishakha4JupMon
Ura(R)Gemini02 47 48MerMrigasira3MarVen
NepVirgo18 15 19MerHasta3MonMer
PluCancer21 44 02MonAshlesha2MerSun

Moon Transit (Current Transit)


Conclusion :-

Master of the 2nd house Moon in the 10th house indicates that you are a person of high morals and will be respected and honoured in government and society.You will be very fortunate and you will get the strength of wealth from the house of your father. Moon in Pisces which belongs to Jupiter and current transit of Jupiter in Moon from 27/10/2015 - 25/02/2017 which is a very good period and Moon is very favourable this is a period to expand things there will be a lot of good contacts. A job promotion is there which means Mrs Clinton haves a very good chance to win the Elections.Sun in Libra is debilitated which makes a Rare Raj Yoga of NEECHA BHAANG RAJ YOG.Mars in Cancer is also Debilitated which again makes NEECHA BHAANG RAJ YOG with Saturn which is very good. Neecha Bhaang Yoga is very good in which a person fight bact from a very hopeless position to become successful and get fame in the society easily and gets recognizant and respect from society. And Madam Clinton will come out from hassles easily.  
On a whole Mrs Clinton haves a great chance to win in the elections or going to give tough fight. 
I am going to analyse the other horoscope soon.


Karan Manchanda 

email -
Mob-  +91-8375006612

Friday, 27 November 2015

Astrology means Success.

Astrology means Success. 

Hello, guys. This poster is a super hit film Chennai express released in 2013 starting Shahrukh khan and Deepika Padukone. It is a biggest grosser of Bollywood in 2013 with an average story line. Now the question is why I posted this? Very simple answer if you see the poster you will find some Vedic astrology work is done now you are thinking what is that. Let's revisit the photo again you will see the following -
1)The spelling of express that is SS, in the end, seems to like a dollar sign$.
2) Express word is underlined.
3) Most important the word Chennai express is written like a flying plane.
4) Motorcycle number plate is marked as 555.

All are astrology and numerology work. You can check the success of the movie.

DISCLAIMER -Every reading is based on calculation and the astrologer is only a person and not a God so no responsibility lies with the astrologer.

Please include your date & time of birth including the location in your initial email to me. Fees are contingent on your requirements and will be divulged at our preliminary meeting via email.
Payments for fees are made through PayPal.

If you do not have PayPal, I would be happy to send a link or we can make other arrangements.

Warm Regards 
Manchanda Karan

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Astrology Blog

                 An observation on Mars

1) Favourably disposed Mars gives alert mind and makes one quick to act.
2) Badly placed Mars gives aggressive temperament.
3) Neecha(Debilitated) Mars aspects on Lagna(Ascendant) causes shyness .
4) Mars aspect in Mercury can cause a break in education for entry into profession or marriage or business etc.
5) Mars conjunct or squaring Jupiter gives anaemia and low blood pressure.
Combination of Mars with Different Planets 

Mars With Mercury

1) Trial and obstacles in an educational career may even cause a break in education, mentally alert , gives a sharp mind.
2) If placed together in 10 house then the native can become a scientist, investigators or an agent.
3) If badly placed then a person can become a drug dealer, cunning, aggressive and fickle minded.
Mars With Jupiter 
It can cause fracture and accidents .

Mars with Saturn 

1) The combination of Mars with Saturn can make a person very angry.
2) If both planets are placed in the first house then the person can face skin diseases,  cause falls and bruises etc.
3) Strongly placed in 2nd or 10th house then the native can be praised in public and will be a great personage.

Effects of Mars in different Ascendant-

 Ascendant   -    Effects
1) Aries     -    Benefic

2) Taurus    -    Benefic

3) Gemini    -    Malefic

4) Cancer    -    Yogakaraka

5) Leo       -    Yogakaraka 

6) Virgo     -    Malefic

7) Libra     -    Benefic

8) Scorpio   -    Benefic 

9) Sagittarius  - Benefic

10)Capricorn    - Neutral 

11) Aquarius    - Benefic 

12) Pisces      - Benefic

In our chart if Mars is placed in 1st,  4th, 7th, 8th or in 12 house then the native becomes a Manglik.

Profession: Police,Military, Medical, Surgery, Cooking, Dentist, Butcher, Property Dealer, Fireman, Athletes etc.

This observation can be use for only 5% information, as things depend on all other  observation too. 

DISCLAIMER -Every reading is based on calculation and the astrologer is only a person and not a God so no responsibility lies with the astrologer.

Please include your date & time of birth including the location in your initial email to me. Fees are contingent on your requirements and will be divulged at our preliminary meeting via email.
Payments for fees are made through PayPal.

If you do not have PayPal, I would be happy to send a link or we can make other arrangements.

Warm Regards 

Manchanda Karan