Friday, 31 March 2017

"Obesity" is a big trouble in your mind?

"Obesity" is a big trouble in your mind?
Everybody in living on earth wants to look good whether he or she are children or in their 40s or in 80s.
Age doesn't matter here at all as the thing only which matters is how do I look and what others think about me.
Being a human being did you ever thought that planets play a significant role which can make one fat or one can be thin.
Today I would like to bring out the very important correlation between planets and obesity.
Planet Jupiter which rules one's body to retain fat is solely responsible for our obesity.
Afflicted Jupiter never treated as a good sign according to astrology as it affects us in different ways. Our eating habits are interlinked with planet Jupiter and it is also concerned with Moon.
If they both are placed negatively in one's chart then it can make us fat and can lead to many unwanted diseases as an afflicted Moon control destroys one's thoughts and afflicted Jupiter adds all negative colors in one's life.
Wise people always knows how to proceed in their life in a similar manner you should be wise when it comes to your body and life as adopting astrology can become very beneficial in your life in the later stage of life.
If you are looking to have your own personalised horoscope or want to know when you can start your diet schedule then I would say "be wise as you are wiser in your other daily activities as adoption today can make your life better tomorrow.
If you want to fix your appointment with me then you can message me or mail me at

Best Regards
Manchanda Karan

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Saturn will be retrograde from 7 April 2017 at 27°47′ in Sagittarius sign.

Saturn will be retrograde from 7 April 2017 at 27°47′ in Sagittarius sign.
Saturn will be retrograde from 7 April 2017 at 27°47′ in Sagittarius sign. This particular phase will last until 25 August 2017 and it is going to be the toughest phase in this 2.5 years of transit which will end in 2020. It is going to be a very hard phase for those whose Saturn is malefic placed because Venus squares Saturn this time and both Venus and Saturn retrograde are seriously going to impact each and every one of us in different ways.

Venus square Saturn means problems relate to love and money will definitely go to poke you as Venus retrograde placement in the enemy sign Pisces is also a reason for troublesome. This phase can become a reason for tensions in relationships so it is better to take an advice before as to maintain harmony in relationships.

Putting in the extra effort will reduce the risk of relationship dramas as it is advice to take precaution before an event. A feeling of loneliness and depression will arise in this phase. Money can also be tight and one can face severe problems related to monetary troubles, so avoid a tendency toward wasting money and other resources. Hard work is needed to maintain your present relationship, career or another valued part of life and frustration needed to be controlled. 

If you want to take an advice before and want to avoid all these problems then you can always have an appointment with me.

DISCLAIMER -Every reading is based on calculation and an astrologer is only a person and not a God so no responsibility lies with the astrologer.

Please include your date & time of birth including the location in your initial email to me. Fees are contingent on your requirements and will be divulged at our preliminary meeting via email.

Warm Regards 
Manchanda Karan

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Litigation and its connection with your horoscope.

Litigation and its connection with your horoscope.

No-one ever wants "Litigation" and if we do some research before then it can be certainly avoided or we can reduce its bad effect.

When observing Litigation and the effects astrology plays regarding litigation we should observe the following house from horoscope: -

1) The 1st house represents the native and it is very important to know the main strength of the horoscope.

2) The 6th house is the prime house for disturbance and dispute. A malefic 6th house causes litigation and the position of all planets in the horoscope affects results.

3) The 7th house represents the strength of the opposition which can bring trouble during the course of litigation, and this house is very important from a compatibility point of view. Marriage also depends on the 7th house.

4) The 8th house shows the path of litigation which means how many difficulties one can face during the course of litigation.

4) The 12th house represents jail or prison or loss in litigation or winning a litigation battle.

Note: - It's very important to see strengths and weaknesses in the placement of planetary positions to judge the results. If anyone wishes to know about their horoscope and connection outcomes regarding litigation or would like to know any other questions, then feel free to message me.

DISCLAIMER -Every reading is based on calculation and an astrologer is only a person and not a God so no responsibility lies with the astrologer.

Please include your date & time of birth including the location in your initial email to me. Fees are contingent on your requirements and will be divulged at our preliminary meeting via email.

Warm Regards 
Manchanda Karan