Everyone who loves boxing is eagerly awaiting to see who will win one of the biggest matches on the 29th April 2017, as the biggest stage is set to surprise you all. I am trying to analyze the results based on numerology.
Event Anthony Joshua Wladimir Klitschko
29th April 2017 15th October 1989 25th March 1976
Number's Game
1) 29th April 2017 means 2+9+0+4+2+0+1+7 = 7 (Lord of number 7 is Ketu)=Destiny Number
2) 15 October 1989 means 1+5+1+0+1+9+8+9=7 (Lord of number 7 is Ketu)= Destiny Number
3) 25 March 1976 means 2+5+0+3+1+9+7+6 = 6 (Lord of number 6 is Venus)= Destiny Number.
Interestingly here if we see their date of birth which means “15” and “25” which means AJ radical number is 6 and Klitschko radical number is 7 which are inverse to their destiny numbers. Keeping all this in mind, I can say as of today, that on 29th April 2017 they both will fight tough and there is a greater chance that AJ will win the match by 7/4.Thich means in the 11th round, as per the transit on 29th April 2017 and their date of birth.
Disclaimer: There is always a big risk to predict celebrity horoscope as information are always referred from internet and there is no surety about accuracy and numerology is treated as a small base of astrology as in Astrology there are easier chances to predict as one do minute calculations based on planets. If you are looking for horoscope analysis then you can contact me as always.
Best Regards
Manchanda Karan