The USA which is going to choose it's next President has some wonderful connection with planet Jupiter.
Jupiter is the planet which significances as the symbol of justice. 'Planet Jupiter' according to Hindu mythology is believed to be the "Mentor of Gods or Deities". Jupiter is known as the first planet which connects someone to the society and if powerful Jupiter is placed in anyone's horoscope then it is considered as the key to success.
World powerful nation the USA is heading into elections this Nov 2016, where planet Jupiter is going to play the key role.
USA - 04/July/1776
Place - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Time - 17:10 hours
The USA is under the transit of Jupiter started from 2014 August.
President Barack Obama, date of birth 04/Aug/1961, time of birth 17:24 hours, Honolulu Hawaii, USA. President is under the transit of Jupiter started from Aug 2006 - Aug 2022.
Republican nominee and Democratic nominee both are under Jupiter transit as under
Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Main transit of Jupiter Sub transit of Jupiter
Trump vs Hillary -
Former President Bill Clinton became President of the USA under the main transit of Jupiter which started from Sep 1987 - Sep 2003.
So, this time once again it shall be Jupiter who is going to make the President of the USA.