Tuesday, 30 January 2018


Blue Moon

When we hear the name “Blue Moon”, we get the feeling that the Moon will turn Blue in color, which makes us curious; this brings the psychology in everyone’s mind that how it will impact us?

Both science and astrology scholars are curious about this big event because it is happening for the first time in our life, last Blue Moon, which happened in the year 1866 i.e., 152 years ago.

BLUE MOON: When Full Moon occurs twice in a month then the event is known as Blue Moon. This way Moon is closet to the orbit of the Earth which makes a greater impact on the Moon. This year it is a second Full Moon/ Super Moon occurring so far.

Let’s quickly look here below about meaning of Astrology and Science means:-

Astrology:  Astrology is a study of a pattern which is based on the movements of planets and movement of the celestial bodies, the Sun and the Moon that is totally based on the mathematical calculation which impacts on every living being present on this earth.

Science: Science is based on systematic knowledge for the movement of celestial bodies, planets and stars which came into existence from the observation and experimentation, which impacts on every living being present on this earth.

I would here say WOW, as both the scholar’s research do work to know an impact on living beings. 

I would like to bring an interesting fact about “Lunar Eclipse” which is going to happen on the 31st January 2018:

Science:  During school time, we all read about the Eclipse in science.  A Lunar Eclipse means a situation when the Moon revolves around the Earth. In this way, the Earth comes in between the Sun and the Moon which result in darkness and results into Lunar Eclipse. The type of eclipse depends on the Moon location and its nodes as it can be Total (which is happening on the 31st January 2018 and next one coming on the 27/28 July 2018), Partial and Penumbral Eclipse.

Astrology: Only handful people know what mythology thinks about the eclipse. Shadow planets which are known as nodes namely Rahu (North Nodes, known as dragon head) and Ketu (South Nodes, known as dragon tail). During this phase enters the Moon orbit where it comes in direct contact of the Nodes, there they intersect resulting to an intervention and the two points which get formed by the intervention are known as North Node (Rahu) and South Node (Ketu).
Here it is very important to understand Rahu (North Node) crosses the Moon from the direction south to north, which forms the ascending node, it is known as a stage for the formation of the eclipse and can be named as the birth stage.
Ketu (South Node) crosses the Moon from the direction north to the south which forms descending node, it is known as a stage of completion of the eclipse and can be named as death stage

The time frame between the birth and death of the eclipse where both nodes namely Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) control the movement of the Moon results into darkness it also gives similar impact on one's life when the transit of the Moon conjunct with the nodes.
Both being karmic shadow planets, where Rahu acts as the Saturn and Ketu act as the Mars play a key role in one’s life.  The Moon which get consideration as the mother in the astrology and impacts one inner heart, feeling and emotion, when comes in contact with the nodes one can have impacts depending on the placement of the Moon, Rahu & Ketu.

One will find that both Rahu and Ketu have a distance of seven houses from each other which means if Rahu is placed in the first house then the Ketu will be in the seventh house for the native and so on and so forth where Rahu is dragon head and Ketu is dragon tail.

They hold similar degree like, if Rahu is said to be of 08.00 degrees then Ketu will follow it and will be exactly of 08.00 degrees.

Rahu and Ketu both move in the retrograde mode, which means very slow transit as they come in everyone’s life for 18 years respectively. Retrograde condition see and deals with two house in one chart which also means Rahu and Ketu keep an eye on their houses they are placed and also one house before, for example if Rahu is in the first house then it will impact one body, health or physical strength or weakness with an eye on the twelfth house where Rahu will check one's expenses, losses, sleep, foreign relation etc.  In this way, Ketu will be in the seventh house where it will impact on friendship, marriage life, relationship, partnership etc of a native with an eye on the sixth house where Ketu will impact on one's enemies and disease/illness.

(Note it can be positive or negative depends on the placement check and this will vary from one person to another)


No one in this world will be left free from the impact as all will face some impact depending on the placement of the Moon and the nodes namely Rahu and Ketu.
The impact can be positive or negative. Those who have positive placement can get great luck unexpectedly and things can come in their favor whereas those who have negative placement will definitely feel weakness and may remain low/dull for almost 15 days from the Blue Moon. They can also have some bad news which can impact their life and can become a reason for problems.

If you are reading my contents and are aware of the position whether favorable or unfavorable then please don't start anything new 09 hours before the eclipse and 3 hrs after the completion of the eclipse.

Preventions: One should be careful while keeping liquidity in hand as this Blue Moon could impact majorly on liquid assets worldwide such as stocks, currency, commodities, cryptocurrencies etc as the Moon may become a reason for the downfall where emerging markets like India and Brazil can suffer badly (until next Lunar Eclipse on 27th July 2018).
Remedy: To enhance your luck and to reduce your bad luck kindly wear WHITE on the day, to cope up with the problems (if any) as the Moon will be weak.

If you are looking for complete guidance and want to know the exact impact on you then you can fix a schedule and we can fix an appointment accordingly.

DISCLAIMER – An astrologer is only a human being & not a God.  Your Astro Service provides a service which is intended for entertainment purposes only. Every reading is based on calculations according to the information provided by the client. Your Astro Service cannot be held liable for any results which may or may not be associated with consultation, interpretation, or calculations. It is the client’s duty to provide all correct information prior to the consultation. It is also the client’s responsibility to provide payment prior to consultation. Your Astro Service will happily adjust the type of consultation or electronic communications the client requires with prior notification. Additionally, if the client refuses video, or electronic voice consultation, the client will agree to receive only a written report via email and Your Astro Service will not adjust the initial consultation fee. Please have all information pertinent to your chart, and your choice of consultation including your fees prepared prior to consultation. A written report will be sent via email to the client’s chosen email address. Should the client forfeit a video or voice consultation he or she will receive their written report and services will be considered complete. There are certain changes which impact us, almost on day to day basis, for which I am offering Day to Day color analysis, which helps one to reduce all ill impacts of the day and turn into a positive way. I am offering one-year complete subscription at a very reasonable price. Kindly let me know if interested, to have my unique color analysis, as it will give the prior information how to deal with challenges and how one can get maximum success.

Warm Regards
Manchanda Karan
Email: yourastroservice@gmail.com
Phone: (+91) 8595- 171-  695
              (+91) 8375- 006- 612

Monday, 1 January 2018

Happy New Year 2018 Part -III

A little smile, A word of cheerA bit of love from someone near A little gift from one held dear,Best wishes for the coming year!Wishing You & Your family HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018🌹

By bringing how 2018 can be for you and for your loved ones.

Warm Regards
Manchanda Karan
Email: yourastroservice@gmail.com
Phone: (+91)  8595- 171- 695
             (+91) 8375- 006- 612

DISCLAIMER – An astrologer is only a human being & not a God.  Your Astro Service provides a service which is intended for entertainment purposes only. Every reading is based on calculations according to the information provided by the client. Your Astro Service cannot be held liable for any results which may or may not be associated with consultation, interpretation, or calculations. It is the client’s duty to provide all correct information prior to the consultation. It is also the client’s responsibility to provide payment prior to consultation. Your Astro Service will happily adjust the type of consultation or electronic communications the client requires with prior notification. Additionally, if the client refuses video, or electronic voice consultation, the client will agree to receive only a written report via email and Your Astro Service will not adjust the initial consultation fee. Please have all information pertinent to your chart, and your choice of consultation including your fees prepared prior to consultation. A written report will be sent via email to the client’s chosen email address. Should the client forfeit a video or voice consultation he or she will receive their written report and services will be considered complete.