Sunday, 26 June 2016

The First Minister of Scotland "Nicola Sturgeon" Horoscope Report with an analysis whether Scotland remains in the United Kingdom or Opts for the European Union

The First Minister of Scotland "Nicola Sturgeon" Horoscope Report with an analysis whether Scotland remains in the United Kingdom or Opts for the European Union  

Date  of  birth - 19/July/1970
Time  Of  birth - 15:16 hours
Place of  birth - Irvine, Scotland
(source internet)


Planetary Position:-

Planet                            Sign                         Degree                      Lord
Ascendant                     Libra                         13:53                      Venus
Sun                               Cancer                       03:02                      Moon
Moon                            Capricorn                  13:47                     Saturn
Mars                             Cancer                       07:23                      Moon
Mercury                        Cancer                       16:47                      Moon
Jupiter                           Libra                         03:37                      Venus
Venus                            Leo                            14:36                      Sun
Saturn                           Aries                          27:17                      Mars
Rahu  (R)                      Aquarius                    09:45                     Saturn
Ketu  (R)                       Leo                             09:45                    Saturn

Current Transit 
Jupiter               15/09/2002    -     15/09/2018

Jupiter                 15/09/2002    -     02/11/2004
Saturn                  02/11/2004    -     17/05/2007
Mercury               17/05/2007   -      21/08/2009
Ketu                     21/08/2009   -      28/07/2010
Venus                   28/07/2010   -      28/03/2013
Sun                       28/03/2013   -     15/01/2014
Moon                    15/01/2014   -     17/05/2015
Mars                     17/05/2015   -      21/04/2016
Rahu                     21/04/2016   -     15/09/2018

Scotland option to Choose the United Kingdom Or European Union 

As I earlier stated in my previous blog that the United Kingdom will not be the same and will face much trouble in next one year for details kindly open my two previous blogs where I mentioned for "Brexit" & "What next for the United Kingdom", here are the links-

Everyone is talking about the United Kingdom and Brexit and whether this decision is going to bring Recession in the world and will it be an end of European Union?

As, I earlier stated in my blog on 16/June/2016, that The United Kingdom has the main transit of "Rahu" from 2012 and a sub transit of Jupiter started from Jan 2015 and will continue till June 2017 and Rahu is dominating planet in this combination and I said very confidently that Brexit will take place, and as we all know it happened and it's part of history now. 

Now if we check the planetary position of "The First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon." Surprisingly, Nicola Sturgeon is under a main transit of Jupiter from Sep 2002 to Sep 2018 with the conjunction of Rahu started from April 2016 and will continue till Sep 2018.
For Nicola, her Jupiter is placed in the ascendant of its enemy sign Libra which is ruled by Venus. Her Saturn placement in Aries which is ruled by Mars, which again is an enemy planet, Rahu is placed in Aquarius and both Rahu and Saturn enjoy a friendly relationship and Venus is conjunct with Ketu, both planets enjoy a friendly relationship with each other but placed in Leo, which is ruled by Sun and are enemies to The Sun.

Now, one can say that from this relationship of Nicola, that she enjoys such a combination of all planets which are mostly placed in enemies sign or with enemies planets, which makes her a tough lady and is never going to forgive and forget her enemies at all and whatever she decides she will make sure it happens.

Her current transit of Jupiter with Rahu, where this combination of Rahu is dominating, it plays a key role in her political career but let's not forget both Rahu and Saturn enjoy a friendly relationship with each other and dominates Jupiter.

This means she is going to take a decision for a Referendum to stay with the European Union, and not only this, according to my calculation, Scotland will win this referendum and will remain a part of the EU and not with the UK. Nicola, Rahu is very well placed and very strong as compared to United Kingdom Rahu which is weak, and this Rahu will going to split the United Kingdom. Leaving Scotland to retain the position with the European Union and as per the indication from planetary positions, the same can happen before July 2017, most likely somewhere in February or March 2017. 

So, in conclusion, if the referendum happens, as of now, we don't have the dates and even don't know whether it will happen or not, but according to my study it will take place and the UK will split and Scotland will retain its position with the European Union with more advantages in the long run.

DISCLAIMER -Every reading is based on calculation and an astrologer is only a person and not a God so no responsibility lies with the astrologer.

Please include your date & time of birth including the location in your initial email to me. Fees are contingent on your requirements and will be divulged at our preliminary meeting via email.

Warm Regards 

Manchanda Karan 

Friday, 24 June 2016

What next for United Kingdom Brexit

What next for the United Kingdom "Brexit" 

Hello, everyone! I analysed for "Brexit or No Brexit" on 16/June/2016 and predicted for Brexit and it has happened today on
24/June /2016, it's a tough call to make.

Now, what’s next for the UK? Some are saying that it’s Independence day for the UK and saying UKIP. Some are saying the UK is a new born baby who is going to compete with the rest of the world on its own.

It's all about the UK today, and it's a big day and honour for me to be a part of a change and history.

Now, as I previously stated in my past blog, I mentioned that the UK is having a transit of Rahu with Jupiter which is never considered a good combination at all. This same combination will continue for the next entire year.

Those who are thinking this will affect the entire UK from current transit are wrong. Things just started and they will face many troubles in this first year until June 2017. The UK may not be the same. As of now, it may endure financial devastation, which means some of its states may consider remaining a part of Europe and not the UK.

In short, it's a tough year for the United Kingdom and if they manage to be united for the first year from now then they may consider a big win for the UK.

I'm attaching the link for my page Brexit for reference

And would like to thanks once again to all my visitors who read my contents on regular basis.  

DISCLAIMER -Every reading is based on calculation and an astrologer is only a person and not a God so no responsibility lies with the astrologer.

Please include your date & time of birth including the location in your initial email to me. Fees are contingent on your requirements and will be divulged at our preliminary meeting via email.

Payments for fees are made through Paypal. 

If you do not have Paypal, I would be happy to send a link or we can make other arrangements.

Best Regards

Karan Manchanda 

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Brexit or No Brexit

Brexit or No Brexit

Date of birth - 01/Jan/1801
Time          - 00:01
Place         - London UK 

Source Internet 

"Brexit or No Brexit" everyone is talking about this whether in India or in Europe or in the USA or in the country itself the UK. It's a topic for debate all over the world.

Thought to analyse it before the event and doing one week before on 16/June/2016.

Planetary Position

Planets                Sign               Degree 
Ascendant          Virgo               16:16          
Sun                  Sagittarius         19:06
Moon                  Gemini            28:22
Mars                    Aries              20:42
Mercury            Scorpio             26:29
Jupiter(R)          Cancer             10:44
Venus               Capricorn          25:27
Saturn                  Leo                02:20
Rahu(R)              Pisces             23:16
Ketu(R)                Virgo              23:16 

Current transit of Rahu Started from May 2012 to May 2030 and Sub transit of Jupiter started from Jan 2015 and will continue till June 2017, if we check both Rahu and Jupiter then they both are retrograde and retrograde of Jupiter is not considered good at all (Retrograde means a situation of a planet when its moves one step backward).

Jupiter is in 11th house from ascendant and  in Cancer which is ruled by Moon. Rahu is in the 7th house from ascendant and in Pisces which is ruled by Jupiter. It is very important to mention that both Jupiter and Rahu are enemies in nature and have a conflict.

Jupiter is known as a symbol of wisdom and justice. Whereas Rahu represent the severed head of an "Asura"(Devil) and both planets enjoy the opposing sides of each other.

Here it is also important to mention that Brexit is going to take place on 23/June/2016. According to numerology its number '2' (2+3+0+6+2+0+1+6=20, which means Number 2) and the number '2'  is ruled by planet "Moon".
Coincidently, Jupiter is placed in sign "Cancer" which is ruled by "Moon". The Moon also sees bad interaction with Rahu. According to Vedic astrology, Jupiter +Moon versus Rahu, indicates Rahu will dominate and win the battle. In other words, I can confidently say Brexit will happen. We are going to witness Britain is going to leave Europe(if the information I.e date of birth and time, available on the internet is correct).

So, according to my analysis, there are very good chances of "BREXIT".

DISCLAIMER -Every reading is based on calculation and the astrologer is only a person and not a God so no responsibility lies with the astrologer.

Please include your date & time of birth including the location in your initial email to me. Fees are contingent on your requirements and will be divulged at our preliminary meeting via email.

Payments for fees are made through Paypal. 

If you do not have Paypal, I would be happy to send a link or we can make other arrangements.


Karan Manchanda 



Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Why choose astrology?

Why choose astrology?

DISCLAIMER -Every reading is based on calculation and the astrologer is only a person and not a God so no responsibility lies with the astrologer.

Please include your date & time of birth including the location in your initial email to me. Fees are contingent on your requirements and will be divulged at our preliminary meeting via email.

Payments for fees are made through Paypal. 

If you do not have Paypal, I would be happy to send a link or we can make other arrangements.

Karan Manchanda 



Friday, 10 June 2016


Who is going to be the next president for The USA,  the answer can be observed from my video whether DONALD TRUMP or HILLARY CLINTON, just listen, who will be the future of The USA?

Disclaimer: I'm neither a supporter of any one candidate nor am I living in the USA. I have no personal investment in any of this and this analysis is totally based on calculations of planetary cycles. It is an objective analysis. I am a human being and not a God. 

If anyone need their horoscope analysed please contact me here:

In addition, if anyone wants to donate 
any amount you are most welcome.

Warm Regards, 

Manchanda Karan 

Saturday, 4 June 2016



Hello everyone, I want to thank everyone who has liked my page as it's crossed 12,000 visitors on 02/June/2016. It gives me a great motivation to see that a year later this blog becomes not known to anyone, as I would like to thank all my readers, as it is possible because of you, my readers and your love & respect. Without your support and encouragement, I just have information with no outlet.
Today I'm revealing an important correlation of planets which is not known by many people in this world, that is the relationship between the Sun & Saturn.

According to Science the Sun, is known as the father of the solar system and made up of gases and is considered to be the largest object in the solar system that we have observed so far. When we come from an astrological point of view it is considered as the father of all planet's and used to study the Soul or (Atma) and fatherhood.

Now, if we talk about Saturn, the planet's from which many fears, as it's considered as a malefic planet but it gives everything according to our KARMA and if our Karma is good then Saturn can potentially reward us and act as a great benefactor.

These are the basics and most people know that if they have had their horoscope reading before but I can guarantee that many people in the western countries don't know about the relationship between the Sun and Saturn.

Sun and Saturn are father and son and are enemies to each other. Saturn is an elder brother of Yamaraj (The Hindu God of Death) and son of the Sun and Chhaya (Chhaya means shadow) and Saturn has many personality traits of his mother Chhaya.

One story according to Hindu mythology says that when Saturn first opened his eyes as a baby, the Sun went into an eclipse for the very first time.
"It's right to say that Saturn disowns or dislikes everything which attributes to Sun".

Another story says that one day Saturn was very hungry and asked his mother to give him food but his mother Chhaya replied that she will offer food first to her God (husband the Sun) then, she will provide food for Saturn, and upon hearing this Saturn became very angry and kicked his mother. In response, his mother cursed Saturn that he will lose his leg and live with one leg as a limb.

Saturn complaint the same to his father and Sun replied him that he cannot give him his leg back as he has to live as limb,but can bless him and can give him a power to act as a "judge" and give people rewards or punishment according to their karma,Saturn's full transit is 19 years long which can be very painful for those people whose Karma is bad, as Saturn gives rewards according to KARMA and this is one of the reasons for a long transit, as many believe that Saturn moves slowly because of his one leg.

If both the Sun and Saturn are placed in one house or are looking at each other's houses then it's considered bad for the native sign.Remedies that are suggested for Saturn is to wear a Blue Sapphire and for the Sun to wear a Ruby which can reduce the negative effects of both the planets and can provide good luck to the native. Timing is also a key component before wearing any gemstone.

If anyone needs their horoscope reading then contact me

Disclaimer - I'm only a human being and not god and all of the above stories are referenced from Shani Chalisa with no intention to hurt anyone's sentiments and if there are any mistakes I am open to making those changes.

Best Regards

Manchanda Karan

M : +91-8595171695