Wednesday 30 November 2016
President of France :- Francois Hollande
Warm Regards
Sunday 27 November 2016
Planets+Gemstone+YOU = Success
Planets+Gemstone+YOU = Success
Finger in which to
be worn
Day on which to wear
Preferred Metal
Ring Finger
4 or 5 carat
Red Garnet
Pink or Ring finger
5, 6 or more carat
Yellow Sapphire
Ring finger
4 or more carat
Citrine, Yellow
Middle or pink
6 or more carat
Not suggested
Pink finger
3 or more carat
Not suggested
Ring finger
Gold or Platinum
0.5 or more carat
Zircon, White Coral,
Quartz, Opal
Cat’s Eye
Middle or Ring
3 or more carat
Tiger’s eye
Blue Sapphire
Middle or Pink
2.5 or more carat
Amethyst, Lapis, Lazuli, Neeli
Red Coral
Ring or Middle
Silver or Copper
6 or more carat
Not suggested
Anyone who need horoscope reading then feels free to message me.
DISCLAIMER -Every reading is based on calculation and the astrologer is only a person and not a God so no responsibility lies with the astrologer.
Please include your date & time of birth including the location in your initial email to me. Fees are contingent on your requirements and will be divulged at our preliminary meeting via email.
Warm Regards
Manchanda Karan
"Karma + Planetary positions and their effects + Luck + Hard work = Balance Life"
"Karma + Planetary positions and their effects + Luck + Hard work = Balance Life"
Our birth depends on our previous life Karma. As we get birth according to our deeds whether good or bad, for instance, someone getting a birth in the house of a millionaire or billionaire and some gets birth in a poor family.
Planet's give us the reward for our good or bad deeds. When we born planets affect our parents. for first 5 years it affects the mother and after the age of 5 years, it affects father.
After 10 years of age of a child planet's starts the effects on the child itself.
People don't understand the logic and believe all and everything happens in their life because of their hard work, for instance, let us say driver or peon or any other mechanic of Bill Gates do more hard work than Bill Gates. (Hard work means more labour here).
All rewards come to Bill Gates because his planetary position favours him and his Luck work more for him which ultimately rewards him.
We sometimes get a response for good deeds immediately but many items we get its response in years and people thought their good deed don't result.
We do many remedies during our bad transit, it's advisable that we should opt things and remedies during our good time and not in our bad time.
Planetary position plays a critical role in one's life, to identify the good or bad placement of planetary position is very important.
Anyone who need horoscope reading then feels free to message me.
DISCLAIMER -Every reading is based on calculation and the astrologer is only a person and not a God so no responsibility lies with the astrologer.
Please include your date & time of birth including the location in your initial email to me. Fees are contingent on your requirements and will be divulged at our preliminary meeting via email.
Warm Regards
Manchanda Karan
Thursday 17 November 2016
चंद्रमा और आपका स्वास्थ्य
चंद्रमा सर्वश्रेष्ठ समय तय किसी भी चिकित्सा या दंत प्रक्रिया है में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है।
उदाहरण के लिए, यदि एक व्यक्ति से पहले 5 दिनों के भीतर और 5 दिनों के भीतर एक पूर्णिमा के बाद सर्जरी है, वह या वह है, जो चिकित्सा या दंत काम करने का इरादा है उनके शरीर के क्षेत्र में सूजन वृद्धि की आशा कर सकते हैं। गौर है कि चंद्रमा के समय की एक निश्चित राशि के लिए एक संकेत में रहता है, तो यह या तो एक महान समय है या बुरा समय चिकित्सा या दंत प्रक्रिया आप की आवश्यकता होती है करने के लिए हो सकता है।
प्रत्येक हस्ताक्षर शरीर के किसी विशेष अंग नियमों, और यह बीमार जब चाँद एक संकेत है कि शरीर तुम पर सर्जरी करने का इरादा के हिस्से के नियमों में बैठा है सर्जरी की सलाह दी है। उदाहरण के लिए, सिंह दिल, पेरीकार्डियम और पीठ की मांसपेशियों नियम। तो जब चंद्रमा सिंह के माध्यम से गुजर रहा है - नहीं इसकी एक आदर्श समय ऊपर उल्लिखित पांव और अंगों पर सर्जरी है। शनि भी स्वास्थ्य की स्थिति में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है।
बेशक, हम भी अगर चाँद एक निश्चित या परिवर्तनशील हस्ताक्षर और चंद्रमा की में बैठा है पर विचार करना चाहिए
बेशक। कुछ दवाएं भी बीमार चंद्रमा की प्लेसमेंट के आधार पर सलाह दी जाती है और संभावना में वृद्धि कर सकते हैं, तो कुछ चाँद पारगमन के दौरान लिया की बीमार प्रभावित करता है।
कुछ ग्रहों पतित हैं, तो इस सर्जन या दंत चिकित्सक के प्रदर्शन को प्रभावित कर सकते हैं, रोगी और मेडिकल स्टाफ के बीच देरी और miscommunications का समय निर्धारण।
कुछ उदाहरणों में हम आपात स्थितियों में कोई विकल्प नहीं है और चिकित्सा ध्यान प्राप्त करने के साथ आगे बढ़ना चाहिए। आप सर्जरी या एक दंत प्रक्रिया होने की आशा है, और सबसे अच्छा समय अच्छे परिणाम के लिए यह कार्यक्रम जानना चाहते हैं, तो मुझे एक परामर्श के लिए हमसे संपर्क करें।
मनचंदा करण
The Moon And Your Health
The Moon And Your Health
The moon plays a vital role in deciding the best time to have any medical or dental procedure.
For example, if a person has surgery within the 5 days before and within 5 days after a full moon, he or she, can anticipate increased swelling in the area of their body which is intended to have medical or dental work. Consider that the moon stays in a sign for a certain amount of time, so this could either be a great time or bad time to have the medical or dental procedure you require.
Each sign rules a particular organ of the body, and it is ill advised to have surgery when the moon is sitting in a sign that rules the part of the body you intend to have surgery on. For example, Leo rules the heart,pericardium and muscles of the back. So when the moon is transiting through Leo - its not an ideal time to have surgery on the aforementioned extremities and organs. Saturn also plays a vital role in health conditions.
Of course, we must also consider if the moon is sitting in a fixed or mutable sign and the moon's
course. Some medications are also ill advised depending on the moon's placement and can increase the likelihood of ill affects if taken during certain moon transits.
If certain planets are retrograde this can affect the surgeon or dentist's performance,scheduling delays and miscommunications between the patient and medical staff.
In some instances we have no choice in emergency situations and must proceed with receiving medical attention. If you anticipate having surgery or a dental procedure, and would like to know the best time to schedule it for the best results, please contact me for a consultation.
Best Regards
Manchanda Karan
Wednesday 16 November 2016
Prime Minister of India Sh. Narendra Modi horoscope
Prime Minister of India Sh. Narendra Modi horoscope
After completing two successful predictions for Brexit and
the Presidential election of Donald Trump, I will now focus my predictions on matters regarding Prime Minister Modi's horoscope and the impact his planetary positions made regarding Surgical strikes on Pakistan and Demonisation of currency.
Planetary positions:-
Planet Sign
Ascendant Scorpio
Sun Virgo
Moon Scorpio
Mars Scorpio
Jupiter (R)
Venus Leo
Saturn Leo
Rahu (R) Pisces
Ketu(R) Virgo
Moon is debilitated, Mercury is exalted, retrograde and
combust, Jupiter is retrograde, Saturn is combust.
Moon Transit
Moon - 01/12/2011-01/10/2012
Mars - 01/10/2012-02/05/2013
Rahu - 02/05/2013-01/11/2014
Jupiter - 01/11/2014-02/03/2016
Saturn - 02/03/2016-01/10/2017
Mercury - 01/10/2017-03/03/2019
Ketu - 03/03/2019-02/10/2019
Venus - 02/10/2019-02/06/2021
Sun - 02/06/2021-01/12/2021
Transit combinations:- Moon + Rahu from May 2013 to Nov
2014:- This particular combination made Sh. Narendra Modi ji the prime minister
of India, Rahu is a sub planet and the placement of Rahu in Modi ji horoscope
is very wonderful.
Which Planetary positions influenced Prime Minister Modi ji
to take bold steps such as surgical strikes and demonisation of currency.
In his chart, he has a combination of Moon with Saturn which
started from 02/03/2016 to 01/10/2017. In Modi's ji horoscope the planet Saturn
is combust and placed in the 10th house along with Venus. They are also in the
sign of Leo. Saturn rules the 3rd and 4th houses and since it is placed in 10th
house this is a very favorable position for Prime Minister Modi.
To give more insight, this combination with planet Venus
adds more comfort here, but this particular transit of Moon + Saturn is mixed
or bad for Prime Minister Modi ji, Moon in his horoscope is debilitated and
Saturn is combust because Moon and Saturn are two opposing planets. The Moon's
quality is very quick as it controls emotions whereas Saturn is the slowest
This particular planetary position entices a person to make
bold steps. Overall this particular phase started from March 2016 and ends on
Oct 2017. By all accounts, it would be considered a mixed period or a bad
Disclaimer: All data and information provided on this page
Your Astro Service is for informational purposes only. Your Astro Service and all parties associated with Your Astro
Service make no representations as to
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delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its
display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis.
anyone need horoscope analysis then they can contact me.
include your date & time of birth including the location in your initial
email to me. Fees are contingent on your requirements and will be divulged at
our preliminary meeting via email.
Tuesday 15 November 2016
President-Elect Trump
Secondly, I would like to congratulate America on your New President.
Americans have spoken through their votes and they have shown they want definite
And positive change.
It’s been a great pleasure predicting the United States Elections and Brexit.
Thousands of people doubted my ability and the Reactions from some people were
Very negative. I appreciate every single one of you in my group for reading my blogs and
encouraging me to persevere – including my family.
This has been a very surprising election for the world, but as I had predicted many months
ago, Trump was destined to win. I hope you will take a moment to review my previous video
and consider me as your personal advisor for your current and future endeavors.
I look forward to working with you and as usual, you can always message me to schedule for a personal reading!