Sunday, 13 August 2017

Is Solar Eclipse a threat for President Trump?

Is Solar Eclipse a threat for President Trump?

Solar Eclipse impact for the USA accompanies with it the Potus himself Donald Trump as people are talking all over the world, especially in the USA. The eclipse will take place on the 21st August 2017.

It's a mere coincidence that only hand full people are aware that President Trump has was born under a Lunar Eclipse which creates concern. Let’s take the issues with North Korea for example.

Here I would like to bring in everyone’s attention that each horoscope has some malefic and beneficial aspects, which impacts one’s life in the form of reward and punishment according to the transits of planet. I find the Lunar Eclipse has made him react in a different manner. He is a conscientious man with rationale.

The moon plays a significant role in his emotions and such frequencies act in his subconscious mind.

Now, the question arises what will this solar eclipse bring? Will President Trump face impeachment? Will this Solar Eclipse bring much trouble ahead which many political and astrological pundits are anticipating?

Whenever I come across any horoscope I always try to see the depth and to figure out what the real problem is. IN Trump’s case I began with predicting his presidency on the 21st of May 2016 with some overwhelming articles.

The Sun and the Moon can never live together and here we need to find out, the strength and weaknesses of Sun and the Moon in Trump’s horoscope.

Again I find it a mere coincidence that the Sun is in Leo sign and this eclipse is happening in Leo itself. In simpler terms it is like "the lion is being attacked in his own den" and some scholars also believe that “Leo Eclipse has connected with the fall of the kings”. Here if we have a look at the President’s Vedic Chart which as following:-

1)    Debilitated Moon conjunct with sub planet Ketu in the 4th house in Scorpio sign, which means weak Moon in strong house of Mars which is the problem in the beginning of the situation but when the things shape up, the weakness turn into biggest strength because of strong Mars which is ruling over President Trump’s personality and makes him tough.

2)    The Sun is conjunct with Rahu in the 10th house in Taurus sign, here again, Sun is on a very strong footing which overshadows the negations in the President’s path, and that is where I find planet Venus is playing a significant role which I have already asserted for - in my earlier posts.


Those who practice any form of astrology and study Rahu or Ketu which is also known as North Node and South Node also know both are the base of Lunar & Solar Eclipse, which is happening from several years (please refer my earlier article to get more insight about Lunar & Solar Eclipses) and here I mentioned above in President Trump’s horoscope that right from his birth the conjunction of Moon with Ketu & Sun with Rahu is bigger than any form of Eclipse and he is free from all ill effects. He already faced and is facing the good and bad impact. Hence there are questions being asked by many: Is it a sign of Fear?

So I would like to say that he will complete his term and I already explained his analysis till 2018 and will post the next course of changes soon, as of now I would say there could be any threat of some serious global events which can happen because of changes in planetary position and it would not create any threat to the President’s remaining term though it may effect on his health but in last we should not worry about it and he shall overcome easily.


DISCLAIMER -Every reading is based on calculation and an astrologer is only a person and not a God so no responsibility lies with the astrologer.

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Warm Regards
Manchanda Karan

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