Wednesday, 28 June 2017



You cannot live happily with negative mind frame. We all know there are two sides of a coin, similarly, in our life, we face both happiness and sorrows side by side as it is being a part of our life.

The problems which come from outside world can be easily deal with our efforts and help from our family & friends but anything which is related to our inner heart and emotions cannot be deal easily and strong WILL POWER is a key answer when asked for certain solutions to deal with such situation. I believe “There is a solution for everything and anything we face”

One can deal with all problems which come our way from outside world and problems coming from inside are very disturbing if we don't deal with them in time it can lead to severe emotions and then finally depression

Depression which is now a day is a growing problem in every part of the world and surprisingly people below the age of 40 are most who are facing this and this is a very serious topic to be discussed.

One mostly consults their doctor but the real problem occurs in the most cases is because of afflicted Moon which can lead to anyone to any extent, as bad Moon will lead extreme emotions and that can lead to miserable trouble in one's mind.

Moon if conjucted with any negative planet or in enemies sign and with weak positions then this problem occurs.

No doubt there are certain remedies which can certainly help someone to overcome this problem.

If you are looking for these solutions and wants to overcome from them then you are only a message away to get the consultation from me anytime.

If you are looking for an in-depth horoscope analysis and for any other question also, then you can simply message me or email me at

Best Regards

Manchanda Karan
+91-8375006612 / +91-8595171695

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