Thursday, 18 February 2016

Nevada Democratic Caucus Analysis for 20 Feb 2016

                             Nevada Democratic Caucus Analysis for 20 Feb 2016

Mars is going to enter Scorpio and going to join Saturn before sunrise on February 20 of  2016


Bernie Sanders Mars is Retrograde and in Ashwini Nakshatra, placed in the 6th house ruled by Aries with a degree of 00.38 whereas Hillary Clinton Mars is Debilitated  and in Ashleshla Nakshatra , placed in the 2nd house with Saturn ruled by Moon , here Saturn and Mars are enemies and sitting together where Mars is Debilitated making a yoga of NEECHA BHAANG RAJ YOGA.

So, according to the analysis this time both are going to give neck to neck competition to each other but Hillary Clinton is going to steal the show with a lead on 20 Feb 2016 as her Mars is giving a situation to fight with strong footing.

Disclaimer - This reading is based on astrology calculation and nothing personal and no responsibility lies on the predication made.

Aachraya Karan

For horoscope reading you may contact me as my charges are USD 150 and reading is given through SKYPE Call with no time limit. 
If you wants your reading from me then you are going to get a discount of 15 USD and the offer is valid upto 29/FEB/2016 so hurry.

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