Horoscope of Bernie Sanders
Date of birth 08/09/1941
Time 12:27 pm
Place Brooklyn Heights, New York
( Source Internet )
Date of birth 08/09/1941
Time 12:27 pm
Place Brooklyn Heights, New York
( Source Internet )
Current Transit of Jupiter
Jupiter 02/09/2013-21/10/2015
Saturn 21/10/2015-04/05/2018
Mercury 04/05/2018-09/08/2020
Ketu 09/08/2020-15/07/2021
Venus 15/07/2021-15/03/2024
Sun 15/03/2024-02/01/2025
Moon 02/01/2025-04/05/2026
Mars 04/05/2026-10/04/2027
Rahu 10/04/2027-02/09/2029
Saturn Dhaiya Started from 21/10/2015 and will continue till 04/05/2018 which makes a very good chance of Bernie Sander but combination is with Jupiter and both of the planets are placed in 7 house which is ruled by Venus and Venus and Jupiter are enemy planets so the chances to win are less, So in my opinion its will be a tough fight but Hillary Clinton have a greater chance to get elected as a Democratic President Candidate.
Disclaimer - This reading is based on astrology calculation and nothing personal and no responsibility lies on the prediction made.
Manchanda Karan
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